Thursday 31 December 2015



Just like that day.
Day of a new spirit came.
Feelin like it just came.
 In jiffy, it came again.
Time, sure fly swiftly.
Just like a sword.
Leaving behind us.

At some point,
it doesn't make senses.
But not at all
Cause we tend to forget to protect
The finger supposed to be pointed at you

Wake up before dawn
Trying to design your day
So that all seconds flew with His faith
Hoping to seek His Redha's
In every effort of the day
But in jiffy of time, night came
And you, wondering and wondering
On that plans.

Look around.
Significance His creations around us
Always obeyed as His ordered
Unlike us. Human.
Although we are "احسن تقويم"
The sun, keep emitting light as ordered.
For us.
The reflection of moonlight.
Every night. For us.
The cycle of rain.
For us. Human
Pollination is done by the insects.
Arise fruits for us.

Everything was made for us
To make us think and think
About The Almighty of His creation.
But most of us " وَقَلِيلٌ مِنْ عِبَادِيَ الشَّكُورُ "

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Just like that day.
Day of a new spirit came.
Feelin like it just came.
 In jiffy, it came again.
Time, sure fly swiftly.
Just like a sword.
Leaving behind us.

At some point,
it doesn't make senses.
But not at all
Cause we tend to forget to protect
The finger supposed to be pointed at you

Wake up before dawn
Trying to design your day
So that all seconds flew with His faith
Hoping to seek His Redha's
In every effort of the day
But in jiffy of time, night came
And you, wondering and wondering
On that plans.

Look around.
Significance His creations around us
Always obeyed as His ordered
Unlike us. Human.
Although we are "احسن تقويم"
The sun, keep emitting light as ordered.
For us.
The reflection of moonlight.
Every night. For us.
The cycle of rain.
For us. Human
Pollination is done by the insects.
Arise fruits for us.

Everything was made for us
To make us think and think
About The Almighty of His creation.
But most of us " وَقَلِيلٌ مِنْ عِبَادِيَ الشَّكُورُ "

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