Saturday 19 March 2016


Some might think what is it food technology? Are you going to a chef ? are you cooking in class ? Nutritionist ? That would be the common perspectives regarding on my course. But it is actually different from people perspectives even in my own view before I applied this course and learn about it. Never imagine that I would like this course so much. Not 100% but I feelin like its not waste of time to learn every single knowledge in this course cause I know the importance in the future. I feel not only learning because of the examination only and that’s makes me HAPPY even though my cgpa is not that high( so far it slightly increases and dean list is my target ! ) hAha .But anyway, Alhamdulillah full stop !

Yes, for me this course is actually hard because of lack of time to study as I’m a type of person that need to spend lots of time to digest information so that I could really understand it better forever . And the problem is in the campus I have so many things to do that made me hard to concentrate to learn better. But hey, do you realize that now you’re giving ALASAN to yourself. Look other person although they have many other things to be done more than you but they could do it properly. You’re just lazy to do the best. Just increase your effort Put ! And get closer to Allah because only Him can helps us and He is the STRENGTH that you need in life.

Even though the basic salary of a food technologist in market are not high. But as long as you work with full of heart and bring benefits to Deen ,family ,society and yourself is enough to make us happy in this worldy life. My target is to work with HALAL JAKIM. Really determine to work with them as it is very useful job to help people eat something that the prophet  SAW said “ HALAL & THOIYYIBAH”. Help the food manufactures to get their HALAL certificate of their product is not like ABC you know. It should start from the beginning until the end of the process. GMP, HACCP and much more need to learn and applied . Analyte how many % of alcohol in the product. Is there any doubt ingredient in the product ? The enzyme extract, colouring, gelatin sources, emulsifiers . How about the instrument ? and many more.


Very incredibly interesting to learn. But the chemical reaction is no fun to learn as it a little bit complicated to understand and remember hihi.  The fun part is that you can explain the nature creation of Allah’s phenomena to food in perspective of biochemistry. For example, Why apple turns brown when expose to air ? Why biscuits turn soggy and cake becomes hard when expose to air.  How in the earth does omega-3 help to boost your brain performance ? Why youre crying when cutting onion haha. And bla bla bla *Ar. Theerapong used to say this J*


Quite interesting to learn the concept but need to be extra carefull in manufacture. I just love to learn the concept, the formulation and how to calculate for example how many sugars needed to add to produce 20% of solids in fruit juice. Thermal processing of food, Food freezing, dehydration, psychometric, the heat exchanger and many more. Really admire people that good in this. It cool ! hihi


This is the most interesting part for me as we eat food everyday and we will know the path or the journey of the food in our body ;) The digestion of large molecule to the simplest and being absorbed by our bodies according to what Allah had command. In food basically consist of carbohydrate, fat, protein, vitamin & mineral, ash, moisture content. What is the differences between vitamin and mineral ? And much things to remember regarding on nutrition. I’ll learn about this later .


Fun to learn ! We able to know the present microorganisms in our food. Eventhough it’s very tiny and cant be seen thru naked eyes, but it is so powerful to make you sick if accidently ingest them. The toxic from pathogen enough to make you diarrhoea, vomiting all night every 2 hours haha. Thru microbiology, we learn how to make the live culture of this amazing creature of Allah in petri dish with correct technique. And then ble to see them thru microscope and thousands of them in just tiny drops in the slide. Maha suci Allah yang mencipta.

And the rest of it still in learning process. Really hope that Allah will give benefits knowledge for me and for all my course mates. May Allah bless our effort to go through the life as students. May we appreciate to the opportunity that He give us to learn. Move forward and try the best you can. Get closer to Allah and leave everything to Allah. May we died in iman with ‘husnul khatimah’



Wednesday 16 March 2016

Tarbiyyah MFU


Alhamdulillah ya Allah. Keberadaan sahabatku Nusrah disini mampu mengajak aku kepada ketaatan padaMu. Terima kasih Kau hadirkan Nusrah dalam hidupku. Sesuai la dengan namanya. ‘Nusrah’ pertolongan dariNya. Tak sangka Thailand menjadi tempat aku untuk menguat Tarbiyyah Dzatiyah ! Thanks budak ngade :3

with budak ngade

Benarlah kata hadis. Jika kita berseorangan kita tak akan kuat berbanding secara berjemaah. Jika berseorangan, syaitan akan mudah menghasut dan kita pasti akan tewas dengan dorongan hawa nafsu. Umpama seekor kambing tanpa kumpulannya pasti mudah sang serigala untuk menawan. Malas untuk beribadat, futur, leka dan sebagainya. Pentingnya fungsi sahabat yang patut mengajak kepada kebaikan dan ketaatan padaNya. Semoga Allah bantu kami untuk istiqamah hinga akhir hayat, ikhlaskan hati kami, dan terima amalan sebagai bekalan di akhirat kelak.

Jika nak dibandingkan amalan para solehin tentunya jauh perbezaannya dengan diri . Dengan status belum tentu adakah aku mampu selamat di negeri akhirat kelak. Dengan godaan syaitan sewaktu beramal. Tak tentu Allah terima atau tidak. Ya Allah jauhi penyakit hati dalam diri kami. kurniakan kami keberkatan dalam umur . Engkau tempat kami bergantung dengan penuh pengharapan.

Dengan harapan supaya dapat istiqamah terutama di Malaysia dengan kekuatan dariNya melalui sahabat :
  • Usaha solat awal waktu & berjemaah
  • Baca & tadabur Quran sentiasa
  • Baca buku haraki sentiasa
  • Dhuha setiap hari
  • Puasa sunat seminggu sekali.
  • Solat sunat sebelum subuh wajib !
  • Solat sunat rawatib ikut kemampuan
  • Jihad lawan nafsu
  • Qiamulail tiap hari ( at least bangun baca quran / zikir if tak mampu )
  • Mathurat tiap petang
  • Bersemangat tuntut ilmu
  • Isi waktu dengan perkara faedah. Jauhi perkara yang lagha (buat jadual harian )
  • Dakwah
  • Zikir sentiasa

Ramadhan, makin menghampiri ! bulan yang penuh berkat disisiNya. Hadiah dariNya buat umat nabi Muhammad. Allahu Akbar. Berilah kesempatan untuk aku bertemu bulan Ramadhan. Sekiranya berkesempatan untuk bertemu Ramadhan, aku harus usaha lebih keras untuk melawan hawa nafsu. Cabaran besar buat kau wahai diri. Cabaran yang maha besaar buat diri aku untuk menghadapi hari2 seterusnya di rumah. Aku keseorangn dengan nafsu yang sentiasa mengajak ke lembah kehinaan.

Ya Allah bantu aku . Sungguh aku lemah tanpaMu..

Saturday 12 March 2016

Choices in your hand

There was one day, Azri went to a park alone. On his way, he saw a beautiful and stylish pinky flower, so he picked it for himself. Then, when he keep walking along the field, he saw another prettier flower.

However, he knew that prettier and better flower does not mean he has to pick it again. He knew that the best flower for him is defined by his own self. Hence, he continued his journey although he keep seeing another better flowers along his way after that.

"Because there will always be a better flower, but that does not mean it is better for us. It depends on us whether to stay with our original one, or to move on. And I choose to be loyal."



Copy & paste


Some might think what is it food technology? Are you going to a chef ? are you cooking in class ? Nutritionist ? That would be the common perspectives regarding on my course. But it is actually different from people perspectives even in my own view before I applied this course and learn about it. Never imagine that I would like this course so much. Not 100% but I feelin like its not waste of time to learn every single knowledge in this course cause I know the importance in the future. I feel not only learning because of the examination only and that’s makes me HAPPY even though my cgpa is not that high( so far it slightly increases and dean list is my target ! ) hAha .But anyway, Alhamdulillah full stop !

Yes, for me this course is actually hard because of lack of time to study as I’m a type of person that need to spend lots of time to digest information so that I could really understand it better forever . And the problem is in the campus I have so many things to do that made me hard to concentrate to learn better. But hey, do you realize that now you’re giving ALASAN to yourself. Look other person although they have many other things to be done more than you but they could do it properly. You’re just lazy to do the best. Just increase your effort Put ! And get closer to Allah because only Him can helps us and He is the STRENGTH that you need in life.

Even though the basic salary of a food technologist in market are not high. But as long as you work with full of heart and bring benefits to Deen ,family ,society and yourself is enough to make us happy in this worldy life. My target is to work with HALAL JAKIM. Really determine to work with them as it is very useful job to help people eat something that the prophet  SAW said “ HALAL & THOIYYIBAH”. Help the food manufactures to get their HALAL certificate of their product is not like ABC you know. It should start from the beginning until the end of the process. GMP, HACCP and much more need to learn and applied . Analyte how many % of alcohol in the product. Is there any doubt ingredient in the product ? The enzyme extract, colouring, gelatin sources, emulsifiers . How about the instrument ? and many more.


Very incredibly interesting to learn. But the chemical reaction is no fun to learn as it a little bit complicated to understand and remember hihi.  The fun part is that you can explain the nature creation of Allah’s phenomena to food in perspective of biochemistry. For example, Why apple turns brown when expose to air ? Why biscuits turn soggy and cake becomes hard when expose to air.  How in the earth does omega-3 help to boost your brain performance ? Why youre crying when cutting onion haha. And bla bla bla *Ar. Theerapong used to say this J*


Quite interesting to learn the concept but need to be extra carefull in manufacture. I just love to learn the concept, the formulation and how to calculate for example how many sugars needed to add to produce 20% of solids in fruit juice. Thermal processing of food, Food freezing, dehydration, psychometric, the heat exchanger and many more. Really admire people that good in this. It cool ! hihi


This is the most interesting part for me as we eat food everyday and we will know the path or the journey of the food in our body ;) The digestion of large molecule to the simplest and being absorbed by our bodies according to what Allah had command. In food basically consist of carbohydrate, fat, protein, vitamin & mineral, ash, moisture content. What is the differences between vitamin and mineral ? And much things to remember regarding on nutrition. I’ll learn about this later .


Fun to learn ! We able to know the present microorganisms in our food. Eventhough it’s very tiny and cant be seen thru naked eyes, but it is so powerful to make you sick if accidently ingest them. The toxic from pathogen enough to make you diarrhoea, vomiting all night every 2 hours haha. Thru microbiology, we learn how to make the live culture of this amazing creature of Allah in petri dish with correct technique. And then ble to see them thru microscope and thousands of them in just tiny drops in the slide. Maha suci Allah yang mencipta.

And the rest of it still in learning process. Really hope that Allah will give benefits knowledge for me and for all my course mates. May Allah bless our effort to go through the life as students. May we appreciate to the opportunity that He give us to learn. Move forward and try the best you can. Get closer to Allah and leave everything to Allah. May we died in iman with ‘husnul khatimah’



Tarbiyyah MFU


Alhamdulillah ya Allah. Keberadaan sahabatku Nusrah disini mampu mengajak aku kepada ketaatan padaMu. Terima kasih Kau hadirkan Nusrah dalam hidupku. Sesuai la dengan namanya. ‘Nusrah’ pertolongan dariNya. Tak sangka Thailand menjadi tempat aku untuk menguat Tarbiyyah Dzatiyah ! Thanks budak ngade :3

with budak ngade

Benarlah kata hadis. Jika kita berseorangan kita tak akan kuat berbanding secara berjemaah. Jika berseorangan, syaitan akan mudah menghasut dan kita pasti akan tewas dengan dorongan hawa nafsu. Umpama seekor kambing tanpa kumpulannya pasti mudah sang serigala untuk menawan. Malas untuk beribadat, futur, leka dan sebagainya. Pentingnya fungsi sahabat yang patut mengajak kepada kebaikan dan ketaatan padaNya. Semoga Allah bantu kami untuk istiqamah hinga akhir hayat, ikhlaskan hati kami, dan terima amalan sebagai bekalan di akhirat kelak.

Jika nak dibandingkan amalan para solehin tentunya jauh perbezaannya dengan diri . Dengan status belum tentu adakah aku mampu selamat di negeri akhirat kelak. Dengan godaan syaitan sewaktu beramal. Tak tentu Allah terima atau tidak. Ya Allah jauhi penyakit hati dalam diri kami. kurniakan kami keberkatan dalam umur . Engkau tempat kami bergantung dengan penuh pengharapan.

Dengan harapan supaya dapat istiqamah terutama di Malaysia dengan kekuatan dariNya melalui sahabat :
  • Usaha solat awal waktu & berjemaah
  • Baca & tadabur Quran sentiasa
  • Baca buku haraki sentiasa
  • Dhuha setiap hari
  • Puasa sunat seminggu sekali.
  • Solat sunat sebelum subuh wajib !
  • Solat sunat rawatib ikut kemampuan
  • Jihad lawan nafsu
  • Qiamulail tiap hari ( at least bangun baca quran / zikir if tak mampu )
  • Mathurat tiap petang
  • Bersemangat tuntut ilmu
  • Isi waktu dengan perkara faedah. Jauhi perkara yang lagha (buat jadual harian )
  • Dakwah
  • Zikir sentiasa

Ramadhan, makin menghampiri ! bulan yang penuh berkat disisiNya. Hadiah dariNya buat umat nabi Muhammad. Allahu Akbar. Berilah kesempatan untuk aku bertemu bulan Ramadhan. Sekiranya berkesempatan untuk bertemu Ramadhan, aku harus usaha lebih keras untuk melawan hawa nafsu. Cabaran besar buat kau wahai diri. Cabaran yang maha besaar buat diri aku untuk menghadapi hari2 seterusnya di rumah. Aku keseorangn dengan nafsu yang sentiasa mengajak ke lembah kehinaan.

Ya Allah bantu aku . Sungguh aku lemah tanpaMu..

Choices in your hand

There was one day, Azri went to a park alone. On his way, he saw a beautiful and stylish pinky flower, so he picked it for himself. Then, when he keep walking along the field, he saw another prettier flower.

However, he knew that prettier and better flower does not mean he has to pick it again. He knew that the best flower for him is defined by his own self. Hence, he continued his journey although he keep seeing another better flowers along his way after that.

"Because there will always be a better flower, but that does not mean it is better for us. It depends on us whether to stay with our original one, or to move on. And I choose to be loyal."



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