Friday 25 November 2016

Guidelines for Bait Muslim


This morning, while having my breakfast suddenly bumped with some videos that I think good for us as a Muslim to practice it. The steps towards a barakah " Baitul Muslim " by Sheikh Hussain Yee.

This is the most basic knowledge for us. As we know the basic knowledge is the most important things to build the strong foundation of something.

What makes the building strong and stable enough to withstand any challenges ? Because of the strong base . Only building that has the strong base will be able to support the weight of the top parts of the structure

Step 1 : Know the purpose of marriage

Everything that Allah created, there is the reasons and purposes behind it. And Allah had mentioned in the Quran that He created human with partner. So that they can get married and have a better life for their happiness in this world. The main purpose of marriage is to find the inner peace into the man and women, the feeling of needs towards each other. Marriage could help us to lower our gaze, makes us more responsible and protect the Deen in ourselves. Knowing when is the right time for us to get married. 

Step 2 : Finding Mr/Mrs right

In this world, we need family. How to find the life, partner ? We must be very careful to find our partner. Islam guides us to look at four things. ( beauty, family background, wealth ) these three factors are not the main things to be focus. Because it will not last long. But the factors that Islam guide us is to look at his/her Deen. This factor can make the happiness and peace of marriage with Allah's bless in it.

Step 3 : Do's and don'ts in engagement 

The prophet allowed for a man to make an agreement with a woman to engage. Engagement is like a booking to make sure that no others party will come in between because it is not allowed. How long should an engagement be carry on ? Islam does not teach us to delay something good. If a person is stable enough and prepared for it, it should be carry on without wasting any time.When man and woman agree to get married with the approval of both families, that is what we called as an engagement. During this period, we must be extra careful for not doing something that Allah had prohibited. All the dont's between non-mahram is still there in this period. Taqwa is the most important things in this part.

Step 4 : Ta'aruf time

What should we ask our future partner ? It is the right for both to get know each other and discuss matters. First, we have the right either his/her is a practicing Muslim or not. Have you been praying full time ? Alone or in mosque ? How about your da'wah ? How about your family ? This is important to make sure our partner to not involved on bad things and more.

Step 5 : Big day, Nikah

Step 6 : How to build a happy marriage and family

Last but not least. keep on praying so that Allah give us life partner that could make us closer to Him and able to go through in this journey of life together with His bless. 

Wednesday 23 November 2016

Apakah amalan untuk menjaga Agama kita ?


Petikan dari kuliah yang disampaikan oleh Ustaz Khairul Amri. Amalan yang dikongsikan ini sangat baik untuk diamalkan dalam kehidupan seharian. Untuk menjaga agama, menjaga iman, menjaga hati dan menjaga diri dari maksiat. Semoga Allah kurniakan kekuatan untuk istiqamah dalam beramal.

  • Istighfar 100x sehari
  • Selawat keatas nabi 100x sehari
  • 5 solat sunat yang diwajibkan keatas diri sendiri
    ( Tahajud, taubat, sebelum subuh, dhuha dan witir )

That's it ! 

3 perkara dimana bila kita amalka, inshaAllah menjadikan kita mukmin yang lebih baik.

Moga Allah redha. 

Sunday 13 November 2016

Impian & harapan


Alhamdulillah , syukur dipanjat kehadratNu Ilahi atas segala nikmat yang diberi.
Atas ketenangan hati yang dikurniakan. Keperluan untuk extend 1 semester bukanlah menjadi penghalang bagiku untuk terus bersemangat sebagai seorang penuntut ilmu disini. Malah ia menjadi pendorong bagiku untuk terus menuntut ilmu dengan penuh kesungguhan.

Despite every challenge that had come, He the Most Merciful always there to hear my pray and to ease my way. And deep in my heart surely know that every difficulty and every things that He had planned in Luh Mahfuz have it own reasons. And all of things that He planned Is actually brings lots of benefits to us.

Sesungguhnya Dia yang Maha Mengetahui akan sesuatu 
 Harapan Semester 9 🍀

Dengan izin yang Maha Kuasa akan segalanya. Dengan izin Dia Tuhan Sekalian Alam. Dengan keizinanNya Yang Maha Kaya , Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Pemurah. Dengan berkat doa abah, doa family , doa sahabat2 . InshaAllah kalau dipanjangkan umur dan dimurahkan rezeki, ingin sekali hati ini menjalani Latihan Industri di salah satu antara negara yang menjadi impian untukku jejak. Either Australia or New Zealand. Target for internship period : July 2018 - November 2018 ( either 5 months or 6 months depends )

New Zealand
MasyaAllah look at those beautiful scenery.
Ya Allah berilah aku ruang dan peluang untuk pergi menuntut ilmu ditempat yang terbaik buatku. Berilah peluang bagiku untuk melihat kebesaran ciptaanMu yang Maha Agung. Melihat kebesaranMu agar aku sentiasa dekat denganMu.

Pastinya suatu peluang yang indah jika diberi kesempatan untuk menjalani internship disana. Pastinya ia akan menjadi satu pengalaman yang mematangkan diri, meluaskan ilmu pengetahuan terutama dalam bidang aku. Peluang keemasan yang memerlukan ikhtiar dari sekarang !

Ya ikhtiar dari sekarang. Usaha dari sekarang.  Perancangannya bagaimana , jumpa lecterur yang berkaitan , financial ( yg penting tiket flight ditaja ) , doa dan doa .

Tapi apa yang lebih penting, esok dah start test 2 woi. Haha 😂 Jauh menerawang fikiran. Semester 5 tak habis lagi. Assignment minggu sebelum study week memanggil dah ni.

ok bye. Jangan lupa doa yang terbaik buat diri. Leave it to Allah. He know what  is the best  plan for you.


Guidelines for Bait Muslim


This morning, while having my breakfast suddenly bumped with some videos that I think good for us as a Muslim to practice it. The steps towards a barakah " Baitul Muslim " by Sheikh Hussain Yee.

This is the most basic knowledge for us. As we know the basic knowledge is the most important things to build the strong foundation of something.

What makes the building strong and stable enough to withstand any challenges ? Because of the strong base . Only building that has the strong base will be able to support the weight of the top parts of the structure

Step 1 : Know the purpose of marriage

Everything that Allah created, there is the reasons and purposes behind it. And Allah had mentioned in the Quran that He created human with partner. So that they can get married and have a better life for their happiness in this world. The main purpose of marriage is to find the inner peace into the man and women, the feeling of needs towards each other. Marriage could help us to lower our gaze, makes us more responsible and protect the Deen in ourselves. Knowing when is the right time for us to get married. 

Step 2 : Finding Mr/Mrs right

In this world, we need family. How to find the life, partner ? We must be very careful to find our partner. Islam guides us to look at four things. ( beauty, family background, wealth ) these three factors are not the main things to be focus. Because it will not last long. But the factors that Islam guide us is to look at his/her Deen. This factor can make the happiness and peace of marriage with Allah's bless in it.

Step 3 : Do's and don'ts in engagement 

The prophet allowed for a man to make an agreement with a woman to engage. Engagement is like a booking to make sure that no others party will come in between because it is not allowed. How long should an engagement be carry on ? Islam does not teach us to delay something good. If a person is stable enough and prepared for it, it should be carry on without wasting any time.When man and woman agree to get married with the approval of both families, that is what we called as an engagement. During this period, we must be extra careful for not doing something that Allah had prohibited. All the dont's between non-mahram is still there in this period. Taqwa is the most important things in this part.

Step 4 : Ta'aruf time

What should we ask our future partner ? It is the right for both to get know each other and discuss matters. First, we have the right either his/her is a practicing Muslim or not. Have you been praying full time ? Alone or in mosque ? How about your da'wah ? How about your family ? This is important to make sure our partner to not involved on bad things and more.

Step 5 : Big day, Nikah

Step 6 : How to build a happy marriage and family

Last but not least. keep on praying so that Allah give us life partner that could make us closer to Him and able to go through in this journey of life together with His bless. 

Apakah amalan untuk menjaga Agama kita ?


Petikan dari kuliah yang disampaikan oleh Ustaz Khairul Amri. Amalan yang dikongsikan ini sangat baik untuk diamalkan dalam kehidupan seharian. Untuk menjaga agama, menjaga iman, menjaga hati dan menjaga diri dari maksiat. Semoga Allah kurniakan kekuatan untuk istiqamah dalam beramal.

  • Istighfar 100x sehari
  • Selawat keatas nabi 100x sehari
  • 5 solat sunat yang diwajibkan keatas diri sendiri
    ( Tahajud, taubat, sebelum subuh, dhuha dan witir )

That's it ! 

3 perkara dimana bila kita amalka, inshaAllah menjadikan kita mukmin yang lebih baik.

Moga Allah redha. 

Impian & harapan


Alhamdulillah , syukur dipanjat kehadratNu Ilahi atas segala nikmat yang diberi.
Atas ketenangan hati yang dikurniakan. Keperluan untuk extend 1 semester bukanlah menjadi penghalang bagiku untuk terus bersemangat sebagai seorang penuntut ilmu disini. Malah ia menjadi pendorong bagiku untuk terus menuntut ilmu dengan penuh kesungguhan.

Despite every challenge that had come, He the Most Merciful always there to hear my pray and to ease my way. And deep in my heart surely know that every difficulty and every things that He had planned in Luh Mahfuz have it own reasons. And all of things that He planned Is actually brings lots of benefits to us.

Sesungguhnya Dia yang Maha Mengetahui akan sesuatu 
 Harapan Semester 9 🍀

Dengan izin yang Maha Kuasa akan segalanya. Dengan izin Dia Tuhan Sekalian Alam. Dengan keizinanNya Yang Maha Kaya , Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Pemurah. Dengan berkat doa abah, doa family , doa sahabat2 . InshaAllah kalau dipanjangkan umur dan dimurahkan rezeki, ingin sekali hati ini menjalani Latihan Industri di salah satu antara negara yang menjadi impian untukku jejak. Either Australia or New Zealand. Target for internship period : July 2018 - November 2018 ( either 5 months or 6 months depends )

New Zealand
MasyaAllah look at those beautiful scenery.
Ya Allah berilah aku ruang dan peluang untuk pergi menuntut ilmu ditempat yang terbaik buatku. Berilah peluang bagiku untuk melihat kebesaran ciptaanMu yang Maha Agung. Melihat kebesaranMu agar aku sentiasa dekat denganMu.

Pastinya suatu peluang yang indah jika diberi kesempatan untuk menjalani internship disana. Pastinya ia akan menjadi satu pengalaman yang mematangkan diri, meluaskan ilmu pengetahuan terutama dalam bidang aku. Peluang keemasan yang memerlukan ikhtiar dari sekarang !

Ya ikhtiar dari sekarang. Usaha dari sekarang.  Perancangannya bagaimana , jumpa lecterur yang berkaitan , financial ( yg penting tiket flight ditaja ) , doa dan doa .

Tapi apa yang lebih penting, esok dah start test 2 woi. Haha 😂 Jauh menerawang fikiran. Semester 5 tak habis lagi. Assignment minggu sebelum study week memanggil dah ni.

ok bye. Jangan lupa doa yang terbaik buat diri. Leave it to Allah. He know what  is the best  plan for you.


Senarai kalori makanan rakyat Malaysia

Sumber rujukan : Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia


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